Cultural Revolution, Culture War:

Cultural Revolution, Culture War: How Conservatives Lost England, and How to Get It Back: Sean Gabb
© The Hampden Press, Sean Gabb, 2007First edition, August 2007, 109pp ISBN: 0 9541032 2 X£9.99/$20 plus £2/$4 p&p An Anglican Bishop nearly arrested for stating Church doctrine. Villagers actually arrested for making fun of gypsies. Museums stripped of "imperialist" symbols. This is life in the England of today. "Political correctness gone mad" some will say. Not so, says Sean Gabb. In this book, he explains how England in particular, and the English-speaking world in general, have been conquered from within. We face a new ruling class made up of the student radicals of the 1960s and 70s. Now in power, they are creating in their own behaviour all the corruption and bigotry and hypocrisy that they falsely alleged against the liberal democratic rulers they have replaced. This being so, the leading writers of the "New Left"—Antonio Gramsci, Louis Althusser, and Michel Foucault—become highly relevant for conservatives and libertarians. They are relevant not because their analysis of liberal democracy was correct, but because it explains what their disciples are trying to do. Before we can change the world, we need to understand it. This book helps towards that understanding, and suggests what needs to be done to give England back to its people. This is a largely rewritten and much expanded version of a book first brought out in 2003. It went through five reprints, and is now rewritten by popular demand. Download free pdf file See these reviews: Madsen Pirie Paul Gottfried James Leroy Wilson Sam Tarran Kevin Carson Gregg Beaman A Member of The British National Party