The earth has been undergoing large temperature fluctuations for millions of years. Whether we measure changes from a thousand years ago, from the end of the Little Ice Age around 1850, or over the last century, a pattern emerges. There is no correlation between CO2 and temperature over the short term. Indeed there has been no temperature increase over the last ten years, based on the most accurate measure of temperature—satellites. Over the long term, the direction of cause and effect is from temperature to CO2, in contrast to the claims of the movie, “An Inconvenient Truth.”
Temperatures of the Arctic and Greenland were higher in the 1930s. Temperatures have been declining in Antarctica, except for the small peninsula that extends northward from the main body of ice.
Models. We can’t perform a controlled experiment on the earth—therefore the alarmist case rests largely on computer models. Though the outputs of models are sometimes reported as “experiments”, they are no more so than are stock market forecasts. Models are heavily implicated in the current financial collapse, a problem enormously simpler than that of modeling the earth’s climate. Read more.