The drought that warmists said might “never break” just did

The warmists who once claimed the drought was caused by global warming are now claiming they predicted these floods.
Which reminds me. What is one of the leading warming catastrophists, David Jones, now saying? Let’s check:
As the floodwaters recede, there are lingering questions about whether the worst has in fact passed.
David Jones, the manager of climate monitoring and prediction at the Bureau of Meteorology, says perhaps not. He says eastern Australia remains in the middle of a very strong La Nina system that will continue until at least the autumn. And, while La Nina events usually last for 12 months, they can last a lot longer. ”A strong La Nina can last for a number of years as happened in 1998, 1999 and 2000.”
We may have heavy rain for years yet? Hmm. But how does that prediction square with this warming alarmism from Jones of three years ago, eagerly reported by the Sydney Morning Herald: Read more.