By Joshua Krause Make of this what you will, but apparently there has been a recent and drastic surge in gold imports to the United States. And strangely, it doesn’t seem to directly correlate with the gradual rise in the price of gold or the price of silver that we’ve been seeing over the past year.
Most notably, gold exports from Switzerland skyrocketed in the month of May. For almost every month of the prior year, gold shipments from Switzerland hovered between 0 and 1.3 metric tons. Then in April they suddenly bumped up to 1.78 metric tons. In May they jumped to an astonishing 20.7 metric tons.
That is 50 times more than the monthly average. And when you look at yearly averages going back to the year 2000, you’ll find that there has never been this much gold flowing into the US from Switzerland. The last record was in 2014 when 7.5 metric tons were sent to the US. Before that, it was rare for more than a single metric ton to be delivered here from Switzerland.
When you look at our imports and exports from all nations, another startling reality emerges. Total gold imports doubled in May, and exports were significantly lower than they were the year before.
It’s not exactly clear why this happened, or even where this gold was sent. Given how suddenly the flow of gold into the US rose in May, it doesn’t seem likely that countless individual investors decided to buy gold all at once. In all probability, these purchases are coming from institutional investors like banks, investment firms, and other corporate entities.
Joshua Krause is a reporter, writer and researcher at The Daily Sheeple. He was born and raised in the Bay Area and is a freelance writer and author. You can follow Joshua’s reports at Facebook or on his personal Twitter. Joshua’s website is Strange Danger.