It’s the Banksters, Stupid

It’s something Americans should have figured out after the last financial crisis. The source of their misery stems from the policies of the Federal Reserve and international bankers. As usual, though, the establishment media has diverted attention elsewhere and the financial class of modern robber barons continues its pathological looting and will do so until the bottom falls out of the economy.
“While politics in the West reels from a decade of economic crisis and stagnation, asset prices continue to surge on the back of continued rapid growth in G3 QE,” writes Albert Edwards. “In an age of ‘radical uncertainty’ how long will it be before angry citizens tire of blaming an impotent political system for their ills and turn on the main culprits for their poverty—unelected and virtually unaccountable central bankers? I expect central bank independence will be (and should be) the next casualty of the current political turmoil.”

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It wasn’t white nationalism that got Donald Trump elected. It was unfocused anger at the political class.
“While a furious electorate has turned its pent up anger on the establishment political parties, the target for their rage is misguided,” Edwards continues. “I am not completely alone in thinking it is the unelected and virtually unaccountable central bankers who are primarily responsible for the poverty of working people and who will be ultimately held to account in the next crisis.”
Maybe, maybe not. Consider how easily millions of Americans are diverted from the real issue—predatory central bankers creating artificial asset bubbles that invariably implode—and they get sidetracked by non-issues, for instance the supposed hijacking of the election by Vladimir Putin and the Russians. Instead of rage against the banksters, millions of Americans are taking out their anger and frustration on Trump and, on the other side of the left-right divide, they are blaming a melange of careerist Democrats and Marxist social justice warriors. It’s the left-right paradigm on steroids.
Americans are woefully ignorant when it comes to the byzantine workings of monetary policy. It’s easier to blame the current teleprompter reader than do the work required to discover the real source of the problem.
Unfortunately, we live in an aliterate society where people get their information from television, multimedia, and the internet. Alternative media has carved out appreciable inroads, but a question arises—will enough people learn the truth and make a difference before the economy collapses and the state responds with authoritarian measures and a police state?