Kirralie Smith, founder of the Halal Choices website, has said, “My primary concern, and why I started Halal Choices seven years ago, was because most halal certified foods are not clearly labelled, so the consumer is paying the fees without their consent,” she told 7.30. Is the money collected through the certification of halal food directed into organizations which promote terrorism?
Titled HALAL CERTIFICATION – The Unpalatable Facts, the new production by Q Society of Australia Inc and HalalChoices, exposes the unregulated mess that is the halal certification industry in Australia.
Produced by the intrepid Debbie Robinson and presented by Kirralie Smith, with contributions from Senator Cory Bernardi, George Christenson MP, Bernard Gaynor, Debbie Robinson and members of the Assyrian Community.
Kirralie Smith explains here:
Are there any proven links to terrorism?
In France, Canada and the USA halal certification businesses have been directly linked to terrorist organisations.
In Australia AUSTRAC state there are no direct links to terrorism. Fair enough, no-one expects a halal certifier to write out a cheque made payable ‘to the terrorist’ though do they?
What the media fails to report is that AUSTRAC and the Australian Institute of Criminology (AIC) state that Islamic charities are one of the three main conduits for funding terrorism. The senate inquiry and the halal certifiers themselves confirm that large amount of money go to these Islamic charities. So there are most definitely indirect links between some halal certifiers and charities when it comes to funding extremist activity. Every consumer has the right to ask the government and relevant authorities to conduct an intensive inquiry into this and to ask where does the money go?
AUSTRAC 2014 Funding Terrorism Report:
AIC: Financing Terrorism Report:
Do halal certification fees promote Sharia?
Absolutely. Halal as a concept would not even exist outside of Sharia. Sharia is the path or way of life for followers of Islam. Halal simply means permissible or lawful. I am not concerned about halal as a concept but about the fees and practices that imposed upon all Australian consumers in the form of halal certification, often without consumer knowledge or consent.
The profits from many halal certification organisations fund mosques, Islamic schools and Islamic charities that teach, promote and encourage Sharia. The promotion of Sharia can include divisive practices such as segregation, oppression of women, bigotry toward minority groups, hate speech and incitement to violence.
Source and video