'Sex Robot' Brothels Gaining Popularity in Europe

The world’s first sex robot brothel is currently in talks to expand globally, while an Austrian brothel has claimed that its own sex doll is now more popular with clients than real women.

Lumidolls, which opened the world’s first sex robot brothel in Barcelona, Spain, earlier this year, has now expressed interest in opening “franchises in other countries,” according to the Daily Star.
“We are still negotiating with interested investors, but we have not yet closed any deals,” claimed one spokesman for the company. “Customers choose the LumiDoll with which they want to spend the time that they determine. They call us and make your reservation.”
“If they want the LumiDoll to be dressed in a certain way, or they want them to wait in some specific position, they also ask us to,” the spokesman continued. “With LumiDolls, customers can perform any of their sexual fantasies they do not dare to do with a woman. This allows them to fulfill their wildest fantasies that maybe with other people they cannot, maybe they have some physical complex that does not allow them to be comfortable with a person, and with a doll it makes this much easier.”
Customers, who pay between $87 and $108 for up to an hour with the dolls, are given the address of the location secretly. Each doll reportedly has its own personality and attributes.
Last week, the Daily Star also reported that an Austrian brothel’s most popular prostitute was now a sex doll.
“Fanny,” who costs around 80 euros to rent at the brothel for an hour, is advertised to clients as a flexible, always-abiding, and realistic doll that they can do anything with.
On the brothel’s website, Fanny reportedly introduces herself and explains details to clients in first-person.
“Hi! I am Fanny, a Japanese silicon doll,” she declares. “After each use I am thoroughly cleaned and disinfected.”
The brothel’s “operator” refused to go into details on how the doll is cleaned, adding, “I think, that nobody wants to know about this question.”
In April, a Chinese engineer “married” a sex robot that he created himself after becoming frustrated over “failing to find a girlfriend,” while in a Breitbart Tech interview with futurologist Dr. Ian Pearson last year, the doctor predicted that sex and love with robots would soon become “full emotional” and increasingly common.
“I think it will be fully emotional,” claimed Dr. Pearson, before predicting that people will eventually spend “about the same as they do today on a decent family-size car,” for a household robot.
“Artificial intelligence is reaching human levels and also becoming emotional as well,” he explained. “So people will actually have quite strong emotional relationships with their own robots. In many cases that will develop into a sexual one because they’ll already think that the appearance of the robot matches their preference anyway, so if it looks nice and it has a superb personality too it’s inevitable that people will form very strong emotional bonds with their robots and in many cases that will lead to sex.”
In March, it was revealed that a Chinese chatbot had been told “I love you” nearly twenty million times, and in October, it was reported that sexual conversations with artificial intelligence were on the rise, with one A.I. CEO claiming that his virtual assistant “Robin” is used by “teenagers and truckers without girlfriends” for up to 300 conversations a day.
“This happens because people are lonely and bored,” said Robin Labs chief executive Ilya Eckstein. “It is a symptom of our society.”
Artificially intelligent sex robots are becoming increasingly more common, with new features and dolls frequently being announced.
In March, Breitbart Tech reported on a sex robot that includes a working artificial G-spot, and just a month prior, “RealDoll” also revealed their plans to create more realistic sex dolls with customizable personalities.
Earlier this month, a report was published that attempted to discuss the issues related with the rise of sex robots, including social isolation, love, prostitution, and pedophilia.