You don't need an army to achieve World Domination; all you need is
enough cheap credit to buy up everything that generates the highest
value and/or income.
World Domination--it has a nice ring, doesn't it? Here's how to achieve it in 5 steps:
1. Turn everything into a commodity that can be traded on the global market:land,
leases on land, options to purchase land, houses, buildings, rooms in
slums, labor, tools, robots, water, water rights, mineral rights, rights
to air routes, ships, aircraft, political power, shares in
corporations, government bonds, municipal bonds, corporate bonds,
student loans that have been bundled into debt-based instruments, the
income from city parking meters, electricity, software, advertising,
marketing, media, social media, food, energy, insurance, gold, metals,
credit, interest-rate swaps and last but not least, financial
instruments that control and/or pyramid all the real-world goods and
assets that have been commoditized (i.e. almost everything).
Why is this the essential first step in World Domination? Once
something has been commoditized, it can be bought and sold in the global
marketplace in fiat currencies--currencies that are not backed by any
real-world asset and that can be created out of thin air by central and
private banks.
You see the dynamic, right? Create credit-currency out of thin air, and then use this "free money" to buy up the real world. Quite a trick, isn't it? Get a means of exchange for essentially nothing (i.e. money at near-zero interest rates) and then trade this for assets that produce goods and services everyone else needs or wants.
Now we understand steps 2 and 3:
2. Enable private banks to create money out of thin air via fractional reserve banking. You
know the drill: banks can issue $15 in new loans for every $1 in cash
they hold in reserve. (Depending on the current regulations, it might as
little as $10 or as much as $35 that can be created and lent out for
every $1 held in cash reserve.)
In the current zero-interest rate environment, this new money can be
borrowed for near-zero carrying costs by corporations and financiers.
3. Establish a central bank with essentially unlimited ability to
bring money into existence and use it to backstop the private banking
sector. If the private banks get in trouble, no problem, the central
bank is there to bail them out with unlimited lines of credit and an
unlimited ability to create new money.
4. Undermine/destroy local economies' ability to organize production
and consumption without using credit and fiat currencies (i.e. money
controlled and issued by central and private banks). Trading goods
on barter? Get rid of that. Using social ties rather than cash or bank
credit to organize production and consumption? Eliminate that
capability. Locally issued currencies? That's against the law. Using
cash? bad, very bad--everyone must use banks and bank credit instead.
Once these four steps are in place, the 5th step is easy:
5. Buy up all the productive assets and income streams of the world with nearly free credit-money. No saver can compete with corporations and financiers with access to billions of dollars in nearly-free credit-money.
It doesn't matter if you earn $1,000 or $100,000 a year--you will be outbid.
Once everything can be bought on the global marketplace, and you have
nearly unlimited access to super-cheap credit, you don't need an army to
achieve World Domination; all you need is enough cheap credit to buy up
everything that generates the highest value and/or income.