Michaelia Cash tenacious in war on unfair union, business deals

Grace Collier has scripted a brilliant ad, which, if the Libs had the wit and imagination to put it together could totally destroy Shorten and the unions
 Michaelia Cash

“…Leading up to the election, a series of advertisements could go to air with devastating effect. Here is one draft script begging to be shot.
The camera opens on the face of a worker describing in their own words how much money they lost when they were shafted by their union doing a dodgy deal with the employer at the time Shorten led it.
The shot cuts to the signature of Shorten on an enterprise agreement, highlighted in red. A graph illustrates the union’s ­income skyrocketing under his leadership.
The narrator asks the viewer where this money came from and why. Rolling across the screen next comes wave after wave of shocking data — company names next to dollar amounts, showing hundreds of thousands of dollars paid to the union by companies at the time these agreements were in place.
Next, the screen display is a photo of Shorten. The narrator asks: “Would you trust this man to go into your boss’s office, shut the door and negotiate your wages?” Three seconds of ­silence follows. In that silence the viewer will be thinking, “Uh, no way!” Then the narrator asks the final question that breaks the ­silence and closes the ad: “Well, then why would you trust him to run Australia?”
Within government ranks, the Employment Minister is doing a great deal to damage Shorten.
Michaelia Cash and her team continue to cast Labor as the party of dodgy deals with big business and sectional interests. This is the truth, as well as an election-winning formula. It is a shame that more mileage isn’t made out of the minister’s achievements to date….”  Michaelia Cash tenacious in war on unfair union, business deals 
